The Megalodon is a shark that has really fascinated us so far. It was the largest shark that ever swam in our oceans. This creature possessed jaws capable of completely devouring whales. Today, the Megalodon is only a subject of study in museums and also books.
The only real way to honour and admire this giant today are its remains, namely its gigantic and, above all, impressive teeth. Those magnificent, triangular teeth of the Megalodon are themselves the most sought-after and coveted fossils in the world. But where can these teeth be found? Is it easy to find them, or is the journey even perilous? Are these teeth still available today for the fossil hunter and also the collector? We are therefore only too happy to take you in this blog to the various places around the world, where you can still find teeth to this day, please note that as a rule these are dangerous ventures best left to the professionals outside of beach searches.
Why are Megalodon teeth so incredibly special?
Before we slowly start looking at the find sites, we need to know why people are so looking for these teeth? The thing is, the Megalodon, a huge shark that lived between about 23 and 3.6 million years ago during the Miocene and also the Pliocene era, is the fascination of many and so are the only remains, namely the teeth. This was a shark species that lived in almost every ocean and also terrorised it to its heart's content. Like today's species, the shark species changed teeth regularly, these ended up in the soil and turned into fossils through millions of years of sedimentary deposits. These are therefore the only known remains of this basking shark. The teeth, by the way, are gigantic and thus very sought-after, indeed some teeth of the Megalodon could even reach lengths of 17 centimetres. This, together with its rarity and good preservation, makes it a true collector's item for most collectors.
As I mentioned, sharks are constantly losing their teeth and also constantly growing new ones. Thus, millions of shark teeth, especially Megalodon teeth, have broken off and ended up in the ocean floor. Over time, these teeth have turned into fossils. Although of course many Megalodon teeth have been found, it is a real dream to find large and especially undamaged teeth.
What are the best places to find Megalodon teeth?
You may be asking yourself, how can I hunt for Megalodon teeth myself? Let's start by saying that in most cases, you will need a mining permission to be allowed to mine, or even be able to dive to find Megalodon teeth there. Bear in mind that when diving, you also need to be aware of some crocodile locations. Besides that, there are also teeth to be found on the beaches, which you can look for. By the way, pay close attention to whether you can legally take these with you or not.
North Carolina, United States
This is perhaps the most famous place, when it comes to Megalodon teeth, think mainly of the Wilmington area and the Cape Fear and Neuse rivers. This is a place mainly known as one of the best places in the world to find Megalodon teeth. Here, experts and fossil hunters have already unearthed countless giant teeth. When we then look at divers, we see that finds are regularly reported, which can be found along sandbanks and also in the shallow waters of rivers. You may wonder how this is possible, but these types of rivers used to be part of the ancient seas in which the Megalodon roamed.
What we also know is the diving community in these places regularly organises Megalodon tooth dives. This allows participants to dive to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean themselves, digging up their own fossils. Also bear in mind that teeth are also generally found on the beaches in this area. This is what makes the fossil collecting hobby so incredibly fun. You create your own adventures and find fossil treasures from ancient times in the process.
California, United States
Inside California, located in the United States, there are also more than enough areas present where you can find Megalodon teeth, think about this, near the city of Los Angeles. When you look at this area, you will see that you are particularly lucky in Santa Cruz and also the Santa Barbara areas. This is where fossil hunters have found incredible numbers of teeth over several years. This particular part of California was also part of the sea area in prehistoric times. This area was incredibly ideal and sought-after for the larger predatory fish such as the Megalodon, for example.
If you want to search in an incredibly popular place, check out areas such as Sharktooth Hill, a palaeontological area incredibly close to Bakersfield, California. Among search areas, it is one of the most prolific sites in the world, concerning shark fossils. By the way, you don't get access to this place just like that, you really need permission to dig here.
South Carolina, United States
Looking at South Carolina, we see that there is another real hotspot for finding Megalodon teeth. In turn, this area is mainly around the Edisto, Cooper and Wando rivers. This is where we regularly see divers heading out to look for fossils in the riverbeds and also sandbanks. When we look at the popularity in South Carolina, we see that you can even hire commercial companies that will guide you in your fossil search. It may all sound like a forgotten hobby, but when you think about it, you still see that an incredible number of people do fossil hunting.
For example, we see that areas such as: Beaufort County and Charleston County are known to find Megalodon teeth and then even right on the beaches and especially after a good storm.
Florida, United States
Florida is also in the list of excellent locations regarding finding Megalodon teeth. Think mainly of areas such as the Peace River, which is located on the west coast of Florida. An awful lot of fossils are found in this area. Here, fossil hunters mainly use sieves and other tools to get through the sendiment of the riverbed. People really go looking for the more prehistoric treasures here. So here, so to speak, different adventures are created and beautiful, as well as unique finds are made. In addition, Venice Beach, on Florida's Gulf Coast, is so famous for its finds that it has been nicknamed the "Shark Tooth Capital of the World".
The currents and tides of the Gulf of Mexico have helped release large quantities of fossils, including Megalodon teeth. After a storm, it is not uncommon for teeth to wash up on the beach, giving fossil seekers a golden opportunity.
This may be an incredibly unknown place where Megalodon teeth can be found, but the coast of Peru does seem to have many finds. Here they are mainly looking at fossil-rich deposits in the desert of Ocucaje. Here they have been able to find several teeth and also other remains of prehistoric marine animals. This place is definitely not a well-known hotspot like, for example, the American sites, yet it is an incredibly important place for palaeontologists and also professional fossil seekers.
Southern Europe (Malta and Portugal)
Did you know that even in Europe we have incredibly interesting sites? They may not be as well known but in the island nation of Malta, an awful lot of teeth have even been found in several places. This area has a rich palaeontological history that has uncovered several Megalodon teeth over the years. Here, the teeth are mainly found in limestone deposits. Assume that you are not going to find teeth here as easily as, say, in America, but it is still certainly possible.
If we look at Portugal and especially at the coast near Lisbon, we see that there are also reports of fossil hunters finding Megalodon teeth. This was an area that also belonged to the oceans millions of years ago, hence several Megalodon teeth are also found here.
Megalodon teeth from Indonesia?
We know that the most famous Megalodon tooth sites are in the Americas, but there are also locations in Indonesia where Megalodon teeth are found. These teeth have been incredibly well preserved over millions of years. Note that the roots here are a bit more brittle due to the clay soil, this means that the roots could crumble quickly.
Java (Gunung Kidul and Sangiran Dome)
This is perhaps one of the most famous places regarding fossil finding in Indonesia, an island called Java. Here we are mainly talking about the area around the Sangiran Dome, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its rich archaeological and also palaeontological finds. Although most of the fossils found here are from human ancestors and other mammals, several marine fossils, including Megalodon teeth, have also been discovered in this area.
Another interesting location in Java is the Gunung Kidul area. This region is known for its limestone hills and caves, where fossils are regularly discovered, including shark fossils.
In Sumatra, another large island of Indonesia, there have also been reports of fossil finds of Megalodon teeth. Sumatra was once covered by shallow seas, making it a perfect environment for the prehistoric Megalodon. Due to various geological activities, such as volcanism and tectonic movements, fossils routinely come to light. Here, by the way, fossil researchers have also found several teeth in the coastal areas and also in the sediments along the rivers and limestone formations inland.
Tips for finding Megalodon teeth
If you want to find Megalodon teeth, you will need an awful lot of patience, a good location and also the perfect tools. We have therefore listed a few tips for you, in case you want to go searching yourself:
- Do your research: Before going to an area, it is wise to research where fossils have been found recently. Some places are known for their rich amounts of fossil finds, while others have not yielded fossils for years.
- Use the right tools: A sieve, shovel and brush are essential for sifting through sand and sediment, especially if you are digging in a riverbed.
- Take advantage of the tides: In coastal areas, it is often best to search after a storm, as the powerful waves can bring fossils to the surface.
- Ask for permission: This is an incredibly important and, more importantly, much overlooked part. In some areas, fossil digging is regulated, and you may need a permit to dig. Always check that you are searching legally. In addition, it is also incredibly wise to ask for permission to take any finds home.
We at Megalodontand.nl understand better than anyone that the search for Megalodon teeth can be an incredibly exciting adventure. So it makes absolutely no difference whether you are a seasoned fossil hunter or just starting out. In addition, it also makes absolutely no difference whether you choose the beaches of North Carolina, the riverbeds of South Carolina, there are an incredible variety of places where you can possibly find Megalodon teeth. Keep in mind that fossil hunting is at all times a matter of patience and luck, once you have a Megalodon tooth in your hands then you will very much see the reward of all the hard work.