There are many animals in our animal kingdom, past and present, that have great biting power. However, there was nothing in the animal kingdom with a bite force greater than the Megalodon. If you want to know everything about the bite force of the Megalodon, read this blog.
With an 18-metre shark that could weigh from 30,000 to over 60,000 kilos, your imagination goes wild as far as biting power is concerned. But is the bite force of the Megalodon really that powerful or is it secretly not that bad? We are happy to explain it to you in our blog.
The mighty Megalodon
The Megalodon, the largest colossal shark that ever called our oceans home. At 18 metres long and weighing between 30,000 and 60,000 kilos, the Megalodon was a fearless menace in our oceans. The Megalodon appeared around 18 million years ago in the Miocene era and died out around 1.5 million years ago. The Megalodon was the largest predator ever to swim in our oceans.
The biting power of the Megalodon
The answer to the question: is the bite force really that strong? The answer is yes, Megalodons had the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom according to statistics. The Megalodon is compared to a great white shark, which has a bite force of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi). If we extend a certain development into the future, the Megalodon will have a serious 40,000 psi. This puts this ruthless hunter firmly at the top. Although the number sounds completely incomprehensible, there is a logic behind it. The hunting style of the Megalodon first consisted of eating off the fins of its prey and then delivering the final blow via the underside of the prey.
For example, the Megalodon had 5 rows of teeth. If you want to know how many teeth the Megalodon had, read our blog about: How many teeth did the O. Megalodon have.
Would you like to know what kind of Megalodon teeth made this huge bite extremely deadly? Then take a look in our webshop.